
Not a Single Person or a Group -
- We are not just about one person or a group of people that runs a Non-Profit Foundation for less privileged children..
No Predefined Rules -
- We don’t even run on pre-fixed rules and as they say, “There’s perhaps really a Method in Madness”, but we definitely get going by the passion to give back to society.
Driven by Sensitivity -
- We give only a fraction but what we get in return is in multitude; a drive from within that hits our conscience at some point in time making us give to our fellow beings and in this case caring for our own children.
The above forms the CORE of Sunaayy, a virtually close-knit
group of members spanning the entire
And anyone and everyone in this state of mind connects to Sunaayy and becomes a part of it.
Sunaayy Foundation, though a non-profit organization to the world, is not just about one person or a group of people that runs on a set of rules eventually wanting to give back to society.
We give only a fraction, but what we get back is in multitude. It is about the sensitivity in us, a drive from within that hits our conscience at some point in time making us give to our fellow beings and in this case caring for our own children. This is what forms the CORE of Sunaayy, a virtually close-knit group of members spanning the entire globe. And anyone and everyone in this state of mind may connect to Sunaayy and be a part of it.

Identical ideas may originate from multiple minds but there is always one person or a couple of them who take the ownership to transform it to a reality. Sunaayy started off in a similar manner when its founder members set the ball rolling in 2009. With time, many friends joined, some extended support to help the concept grow. Over the years, the family kept growing, even people joined from across the world and that helped Sunaayy take a firm shape.
Friends of

Geeta Agarwal

Swagata M. Bhattacharya

Shiladitya Mukherjee

Sayan Chakrabarty

Anita Holani

Anirban Chakraborti

(Late) Padma Shri P.K. Sen

Heeral Wangnoo

Pushpinder Bhatia

Arnav Pandit

Shriya Chaturvedi

Debalina Chatterjee

Sanjari Kalantri

Misty Castañeda

Myles Minton

CA Suchismita Ghosh Pal

Anika Singh

Vikram Ghosh

Aditi Chakravorty

Siddhant Sharrma

Arvind Pandit

Nishant Kumar

Sonali Mandal
The structure of Sunaayy that commands freedom for all, makes sure that everyone associated with it, contribute to the best of their skills and ability effectively towards the cause without really feeling the pinch of a material return. While Sunaayy requires all kinds of support to function, starting from managing finances, marketing to fund raising, it gets it from within the family today which comprises of personnel to professionals with varied skill sets.
Sunaayy looks forward to every soul who feels the
core of it and welcomes them with open arms.
“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”