On the 74th anniversary of India’s Independence Day, Sunaayy Foundation is proud to launch the Lockdown Survey Report. Our frontline fighters, or teachers and staff,and our collaborators have worked hard to bring you this report which aims to capture the impact of the imposed coronavirus lockdown on household-level factors such as employment, education, nutrition, household earnings, essential facilities, and future expectations. Our survey covered 200 households with 965 individuals living in the informal settlements or slum areas which form the catchment area to Sunaayy’s operations and service delivery. The report aims to depict the true effect of the government lockdown on the lives in these localities, where our students and their families live. It also brings to you the voices from the field, with insights from the teachers and staff at Sunaayy, many of whom themselves live in one of the informal settlements covered. They played a major role in the execution of this survey, and underwent training in enumeration, data-collecting, and data-entry to enable them to administer the survey. Our staff has always been the bedrock on which Sunaayy Foundation has based its growth.

Hoping that this report will be able to provide you with some key insights on the lived experiences of the urban poor during the coronavirus lockdown.

With faith and gratitude,